queen of the supermarket
There's a wonderful world where all you desire
And everything you've longed for is at your fingertrips
Where the bittersweet taste of life is at your lips
Where aisles and aisles of dreams await you
And the cool promise of ecstasy fills the air
At the end of each working day she's waiting there
I'm in love with the queen of the supermarket
As the evening sky turns blue
A dream awaits in aisle number two
| 固定リンク
- OK!!! C'MON CHABO!!!(2011.04.30)
- 由紀さおり(2011.04.12)
- 単純な永遠(2011.03.07)
- NON POLICY(2011.02.18)
- 告白-CONFESSION-(2011.02.17)